Software error:Validation failed for type named DayOfMonth declared in package DateTime::Types (/usr/local/lib64/perl5/DateTime/ at line 29 in sub named (eval) with value 00 Trace begun at Specio::Exception->new line 57 Specio::Exception::throw('Specio::Exception', 'message', 'Validation failed for type named DayOfMonth declared in package DateTime::Types (/usr/local/lib64/perl5/DateTime/ at line 29 in sub named (eval) with value 00', 'type', 'Specio::Constraint::Simple=HASH(0x2cee4e8)', 'value', 00) called at (eval 218) line 88 DateTime::_check_new_params('year', 0000, 'month', 00, 'day', 00) called at /usr/local/lib64/perl5/ line 176 DateTime::new('DateTime', 'year', 0000, 'month', 00, 'day', 00) called at prevminutes.cgi line 130 For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error. |